I work on database management systems development and specialize in Performance Engineering, Query Analysis and Planning, JIT Compilation, System Programming, Distributed Systems.
This is my personal blog, where I write about my work, experiences, and opinions on different topics related to database development, performance optimizations, and system design.

Recent posts
- Lock Contention
- Power of Small Optimizations
- Hash Tables
- CPU Dispatch in ClickHouse
- JIT in ClickHouse
- Talk about database development at Yandex. We have discussed DBMS development at Yandex, DBMS development trends and share useful resources (video).
- Talk about YDB ARM Performance Optimizations at HighLoad 2023. In talk I covered ARM optimizations basics and different benchmarks (ClickBench, YCSB, TPC-C) with a lot of examples (video, slides).
- Guide to your first contribution to ClickHouse on Byte Relay channel. In this video I show typical workflow with ClickHouse codebase and give an overview of ClickHouse development (video).
- Talk about ClickHouse performance optimization techniques at C++ Russia 2023. In talk I covered performance optimizations basics, low-level optimizations, abstractions and algorithms, performance optimization tools, sorting optimizations with a lot of examples (video, slides).
- Talk about Modern SQL at ClickHouse meetup. In talk I covered new query analysis and planning infrastructure in ClickHouse (slides).
- Talk about ClickHouse query performance optimization at Saint HighLoad 2022. In talk I covered ClickHouse CI/CD, performance testing, abstractions, algorithms, libraries and low level techniques (video, slides).
- Short interview on Byte Relay channel. We have discussed DBMS development, ClickHouse, useful resources and hacks (video).
- Talk about ClickHouse performance optimization practices at C++ Russia 2022. In talk I covered ClickHouse CI/CD pipeline, performance testing, high level architecture decisions for writing high performance systems, JIT compilation, dynamic dispatch with a lot of examples (video, slides).
- Talk about JIT compilation of queries in ClickHouse at HighLoad 2022. In talk I covered ClickHouse basics, query execution and some recent JIT compilation improvements in ClickHouse (video, slides).
- Talk about ClickHouse OpenSource Community (slides).
- Talk about JIT in ClickHouse on C++ Russia 2021. In talk I covered JIT basics, LLVM infrastructure for JIT compilation, JIT for expressions evaluation and GROUP BY (video, slides).
- Lightning talk about JIT in ClickHouse on ClickHouse China meetup (video, slides).
- Talk about Hash Tables in ClickHouse on C++ Zero Cost conference (video, slides).
- Talk about Hash Tables in ClickHouse on HighLoad 2021. In talk I covered different parts of hash tables design, compared different hash tables implementations, and made an overview of hash tables framework in ClickHouse (video, slides)
- Podcast talk How to start contributing to a big Open Source project (video).
- Article about We added the Backup Database engine to ClickHouse.
- Article about ClickHouse JOINs... 100x faster.
- Article about Resolving ClickHouse Context lock contention.
- Article about CPU Dispatch in ClickHouse.
- Article about ClickHouse query performance optimization.
- Transcription of my talk about Hash Tables in ClickHouse and C++ Zero-cost Abstractions.
- Transcription of my talk about Hash Tables in ClickHouse.