ClickHouse performance optimization techniques

ClickHouse performance
optimization techniques

About me

Maksim, database management systems developer.

Performance optimization techniques

1. Performance optimization basics.

2. Low-level optimizations.

3. Abstractions and Algorithms.

4. Tools.

5. Examples.

6. Sorting.

Performance optimization basics

Performance optimization basics

CI/CD Pipeline.

Performance Tests.



Latency numbers.

My presentation from CPP Russia 2022 ClickHouse performance optimization practices:

CI/CD Pipeline

CI/CD Pipeline is required.

The more checks the better.

Functional, Integration tests. Fuzzers.

Performance tests.

Run all tests with all available sanitizers (ASAN, MSAN, UBSAN, TSAN).

Project specific tests. Example: custom stress tests, Jepsen tests.

Performance Tests

Must be able to report about performance changes (improvement or regression).

Collect different statistics during each performance test run. Can be useful for later debugging:

1. Processor metrics (CPU cycles, cache misses same as perf-stat).

2. Project specific profile events (read bytes from disk, transferred bytes over network, etc).

Performance Tests ClickHouse

Write test in special XML configuration.

<test> <substitutions> <substitution> <name>func</name> <values> bitCount bitNot abs ... </values> </substitution> <substitution> <name>expr</name> <values> <value>number</value> <value>toUInt32(number)</value> ... </values> </substitution> </substitutions> <query>SELECT {func}({expr}) FROM numbers(100000000) FORMAT Null</query> </test>

Performance Tests ClickHouse

Performance Tests ClickHouse

It is not trivial to implement infrastructure for performance testing.

Performance Tests

Helps find performance regressions.

Tool that can help to find places where performance can be improved:

1. Try different allocators, different libraries.

2. Try different compiler options (loop unrolling, inline threshold)

3. Enable AVX/AVX2/AVX512 for build.


Ideally collect as much information as possible in user space.

Important to check if something is improved because of your change, or to understand why there is some degradation.

Can be used as additional statistics that are collected during performance tests.


RealTimeMicroseconds, UserTimeMicroseconds, SystemTimeMicroseconds, SoftPageFaults, HardPageFaults using getrusage system call.

Collect :taskstats from procFS (Also support Netlink interface).

OSCPUVirtualTimeMicroseconds, OSCPUWaitMicroseconds (when /proc/thread-self/schedstat is available). OSIOWaitMicroseconds (when /proc/thread-self/stat is available). OSReadChars, OSWriteChars, OSReadBytes, OSWriteBytes (when /proc/thread-self/io is available)


Project specific profile events (read bytes from disk, transferred bytes over network, etc).

Introspection ClickHouse Perf

SELECT PE.Names AS ProfileEventName, PE.Values AS ProfileEventValue FROM system.query_log ARRAY JOIN ProfileEvents AS PE WHERE query_id='344b07d9-9d7a-48f0-a17e-6f5f6f3d61f5' AND ProfileEventName LIKE 'Perf%'; ┌─ProfileEventName─────────────┬─ProfileEventValue─┐ │ PerfCpuCycles │ 40496995274 │ │ PerfInstructions │ 57259199973 │ │ PerfCacheReferences │ 2072274618 │ │ PerfCacheMisses │ 146570206 │ │ PerfBranchInstructions │ 8675194991 │ │ PerfBranchMisses │ 259531879 │ │ PerfStalledCyclesFrontend │ 813419527 │ │ PerfStalledCyclesBackend │ 15797162832 │ │ PerfCpuClock │ 10587371854 │ │ PerfTaskClock │ 10587382785 │ │ PerfContextSwitches │ 3009 │ │ PerfCpuMigrations │ 113 │ │ PerfMinEnabledTime │ 10584952104 │ │ PerfMinEnabledRunningTime │ 4348089512 │ │ PerfDataTLBReferences │ 465992961 │ │ PerfDataTLBMisses │ 5149603 │ │ PerfInstructionTLBReferences │ 1344998 │ │ PerfInstructionTLBMisses │ 181635 │ └──────────────────────────────┴───────────────────┘


Reusing existing libraries can significantly improve overall performance. In ClickHouse there are external libraries for:

1. Different algorithms for parsing floats, json (multiple libraries).

2. A lot of integrations.

3. Embedded storages.

4. LLVM for JIT compilation.

5. libcxx (C++ standard library).


One of the easiest method to try to improve something is to reuse generic components with components from highly optimized library:

1. Abseil. Example: Replace std::unordered_map with absl::flat_hash_map if you do not need pointer stability.

2. Folly.

3. Boost.

Do not use outdated libraries.

Latency Comparison Numbers

Latency Comparison Numbers
L1 cache reference                           0.5 ns
Branch mispredict                            5   ns
L2 cache reference                           7   ns 14x L1 cache
Mutex lock/unlock                           25   ns
Main memory reference                      100   ns 20x L2 cache, 200x L1 cache
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy             3,000   ns        3 us
Send 1K bytes over 1 Gbps network       10,000   ns       10 us
Read 4K randomly from SSD*             150,000   ns      150 us ~1GB/sec SSD
Read 1 MB sequentially from memory     250,000   ns      250 us
Round trip within same datacenter      500,000   ns      500 us

Low-level optimizations


void plus(int64_t * __restrict a, int64_t * __restrict b, int64_t * __restrict c, size_t size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { c[i] = b[i] + a[i]; } }

If there is no __restrict modifier specified for pointers, the compiler may not vectorize the loop.

Or it will vectorize the loop but put a couple of runtime checks at the beginning of the function to make sure that the arrays do not overlap.


Compile program with AVX2 instruction set and -fno-unroll-loops.

$ /usr/bin/clang++-15 -mavx2 -fno-unroll-loops -O3 -S vectorization_example.cpp


In the final assembly, there are two loops. Vectorized loop that processes 4 elements at a time:

.LBB0_4: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 vmovdqu (%rdi,%rax,8), %ymm0 vpaddq (%rsi,%rax,8), %ymm0, %ymm0 vmovdqu %ymm0, (%rdx,%rax,8) addq $4, %rax cmpq %rax, %r8 jne .LBB0_4

Scalar loop:

LBB0_6: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movq (%rdi,%r8,8), %rax addq (%rsi,%r8,8), %rax movq %rax, (%rdx,%r8,8) incq %r8 cmpq %r8, %rcx jne .LBB0_6


Additionally, if we compile this example without -fno-unroll-loops and look at the generated loop, we will see that compiler unrolled vectorized loop, which now processes 16 elements at a time.

.LBB0_4: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 vmovdqu (%rdi,%rax,8), %ymm0 vmovdqu 32(%rdi,%rax,8), %ymm1 vmovdqu 64(%rdi,%rax,8), %ymm2 vmovdqu 96(%rdi,%rax,8), %ymm3 vpaddq (%rsi,%rax,8), %ymm0, %ymm0 vpaddq 32(%rsi,%rax,8), %ymm1, %ymm1 vpaddq 64(%rsi,%rax,8), %ymm2, %ymm2 vpaddq 96(%rsi,%rax,8), %ymm3, %ymm3 vmovdqu %ymm0, (%rdx,%rax,8) vmovdqu %ymm1, 32(%rdx,%rax,8) vmovdqu %ymm2, 64(%rdx,%rax,8) vmovdqu %ymm3, 96(%rdx,%rax,8) addq $16, %rax cmpq %rax, %r8 jne .LBB0_4


There is a very useful tool that can help you identify places where the compiler does or does not perform vectorization to avoid assembly checking.

You can add -Rpass=loop-vectorize, -Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize and -Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize options to clang. There are similar options for gcc.

$ /usr/bin/clang++-15 -mavx2 -Rpass=loop-vectorize -Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize -Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize -O3 vectorization_example.cpp:7:5: remark: vectorized loop (vectorization width: 4, interleaved count: 4) [-Rpass=loop-vectorize] for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {


class SumFunction { public: void sumIf(int64_t * values, int8_t * filter, size_t size); int64_t sum = 0; }; void SumFunction::sumIf(int64_t * values, int8_t * filter, size_t size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { sum += filter[i] ? 0 : values[i]; } }


/usr/bin/clang++-15 -mavx2 -O3 -Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize -Rpass=loop-vectorize -Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize -c vectorization_example.cpp vectorization_example.cpp:31:13: remark: loop not vectorized: unsafe dependent memory operations in loop. Use #pragma loop distribute(enable) to allow loop distribution to attempt to isolate the offending operations into a separate loop Unknown data dependence. Memory location is the same as accessed at vectorization_example.cpp:31:13 [-Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize] sum += filter[i] ? 0 : values[i]; vectorization_example.cpp:28:9: remark: loop not vectorized [-Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize] for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {


Make local sum inside sumIf function:

class SumFunction { public: void sumIf(int64_t * values, int8_t * filter, size_t size); int64_t sum = 0; }; void SumFunction::sumIf(int64_t * values, int8_t * filter, size_t size) { int64_t local_sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { local_sum += filter[i] ? 0 : values[i]; } sum += local_sum; }


/usr/bin/clang++-15 -mavx2 -O3 -Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize -Rpass=loop-vectorize -Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize -c vectorization_example.cpp vectorization_example.cpp:31:5: remark: vectorized loop (vectorization width: 4, interleaved count: 4) [-Rpass=loop-vectorize] for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {


.LBB0_5: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 vmovd (%rdx,%rax), %xmm5 # xmm5 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero vmovd 4(%rdx,%rax), %xmm6 # xmm6 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero vmovd 8(%rdx,%rax), %xmm7 # xmm7 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero vmovd 12(%rdx,%rax), %xmm1 # xmm1 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero vpcmpeqb %xmm5, %xmm8, %xmm5 vpmovsxbq %xmm5, %ymm5 vpcmpeqb %xmm6, %xmm8, %xmm6 vpmovsxbq %xmm6, %ymm6 vpcmpeqb %xmm7, %xmm8, %xmm7 vpmovsxbq %xmm7, %ymm7 vpcmpeqb %xmm1, %xmm8, %xmm1 vpmaskmovq -96(%r8,%rax,8), %ymm5, %ymm5 vpmovsxbq %xmm1, %ymm1 vpmaskmovq -64(%r8,%rax,8), %ymm6, %ymm6 vpaddq %ymm0, %ymm5, %ymm0 vpmaskmovq -32(%r8,%rax,8), %ymm7, %ymm5 vpaddq %ymm2, %ymm6, %ymm2 vpmaskmovq (%r8,%rax,8), %ymm1, %ymm1 vpaddq %ymm3, %ymm5, %ymm3 vpaddq %ymm4, %ymm1, %ymm4 addq $16, %rax cmpq %rax, %r9 jne .LBB0_5

Low-level optimizations

Each algorithm and data structure can be tuned using different low-level optimizations:

1. Remove unnecessary copying.

2. Decrease amount of virtual function calls.

3. Tune data layout.

4. Specializations for special cases.

5. CPU dispatch.

6. JIT compilation.

CPU Dispatch

For example your binary distributed only with old instruction set SSE4.2.

For AVX, AVX2, AVX512 instructions need to use runtime instructions specialization using CPUID.

It is important that compilers can vectorize even complex loops. We can rely on this.

Blog post about CPU dispatch:

JIT Compilation

JIT compilation can transform dynamic configuration into static configuration.

Not all functions can be easily compiled, not all algorithms can be easily compiled.

Has its own costs (compilation time, memory, maintenance).

But can greatly improve performance in special cases.

Blog post about JIT in ClickHouse:

Abstractions and Algorithms

Abstractions and Algorithms

For high performance systems interfaces must be determined by data structures and algorithms.

Top-down approach does not work.

High-performance system must be designed concentrating on doing at least a single task efficiently.

Designed from hardware capabilities.

Abstractions and Algorithms

There is no silver bullet, or best algorithm for any task.

Try to choose the fastest possible algorithm/algorithms for your specific task.

Performance must be evaluated on real data.

Most of the algorithms are affected by data distribution.



Real time system and per-process resource (CPU, Memory) utilization - top, htop.

CPU per-process-function - perf top.

Performance counter statistics - perf stat.

CPU Profile - FlameGraphs, perf record.

Preparing and analyzing data - clickhouse-local.

IO/Network - iostat, dstat, sar.


htop during benchmark

htop during benchmark

High CPU utilization does not mean your program is fast. There can be several reasons:

1. Program is Memory/IO bound.

2. Inneficient algorithms, data structures.

3. Excessive copying.

perf top

perf top during benchmark

perf top during benchmark

perf top gives high level view of what program is doing during benchmark, and which functions cost most of the CPU.

Useful to check underlying assembly and try to figure out where the problem is.

But need to be aware that CPU can just wait memory.

perf top during benchmark

In aggregation benchmark if we check the hottest function assembly we will see:

perf top during benchmark

Underlying code:

namespace ZeroTraits { template <typename T> bool check(const T x) { return x == T{}; } /// test %rax, %rax } static bool isZero(const Key & key, const State & /*state*/) { return ZeroTraits::check(key); }

perf top during benchmark

Program is memory bound.

perf stat

Useful tool to check something in isolation.

Assume you want to improve performance of some critical data structure like hash table or algorithm like sorting.

Best way to do this, is to isolate this into separate small program and benchmark it.

perf stat

Lets take a look of integer hash table benchmark.

perf stat integer_hash_tables_benchmark ch_hash_map UInt64 WatchID.bin 8873898 CH HashMap: Elapsed: 0.604 (14688324.619 elem/sec.), map size: 8871741 Performance counter stats for 'integer_hash_tables_benchmark ch_hash_map UInt64 WatchID.bin 8873898': 683.90 msec task-clock # 0.968 CPUs utilized 124 context-switches # 181.313 /sec 0 cpu-migrations # 0.000 /sec 252,549 page-faults # 369.277 K/sec 2,948,142,592 cycles # 4.311 GHz (83.10%) 286,182,948 stalled-cycles-frontend # 9.71% frontend cycles idle (83.07%) 1,276,430,369 stalled-cycles-backend # 43.30% backend cycles idle (83.35%) 2,025,692,416 instructions # 0.69 insn per cycle # 0.63 stalled cycles per insn (83.64%) 356,845,237 branches # 521.779 M/sec (83.65%) 21,268,813 branch-misses # 5.96% of all branches (83.20%) 0.706636444 seconds time elapsed 0.479112000 seconds user 0.203622000 seconds sys

perf stat

Lets take a look of integer hash table benchmark.

perf stat integer_hash_tables_benchmark std_unordered_map UInt64 WatchID.bin 8873898 std::unordered_map: Elapsed: 2.473 (3588276.141 elem/sec.), map size: 8871741 Performance counter stats for 'integer_hash_tables_benchmark std_unordered_map UInt64 WatchID.bin 8873898': 3,262.13 msec task-clock # 0.999 CPUs utilized 317 context-switches # 97.176 /sec 1 cpu-migrations # 0.307 /sec 142,567 page-faults # 43.704 K/sec 14,343,682,708 cycles # 4.397 GHz (83.33%) 258,005,531 stalled-cycles-frontend # 1.80% frontend cycles idle (83.33%) 12,555,340,086 stalled-cycles-backend # 87.53% backend cycles idle (83.34%) 4,104,335,191 instructions # 0.29 insn per cycle # 3.06 stalled cycles per insn (83.33%) 735,241,554 branches # 225.387 M/sec (83.33%) 10,749,318 branch-misses # 1.46% of all branches (83.33%) 3.264492212 seconds time elapsed 3.060895000 seconds user 0.199797000 seconds sys

perf stat

We see that standard hash map is much slower. Lets check cache misses and cache references.

perf stat -e cache-misses,cache-references integer_hash_tables_benchmark std_unordered_map UInt64 WatchID.bin 8873898 std::unordered_map: Elapsed: 2.484 (3572510.427 elem/sec.), map size: 8871741 Performance counter stats for 'integer_hash_tables_benchmark std_unordered_map UInt64 WatchID.bin 8873898': 124,089,032 cache-misses # 35.893 % of all cache refs 345,719,343 cache-references 3.296088157 seconds time elapsed 3.117693000 seconds user 0.175644000 seconds sys

perf stat

perf stat -e cache-misses,cache-references integer_hash_tables_benchmark ch_hash_map UInt64 WatchID.bin 8873898 CH HashMap: Elapsed: 0.580 (15306059.985 elem/sec.), map size: 8871741 Performance counter stats for 'integer_hash_tables_benchmark ch_hash_map UInt64 WatchID.bin 8873898': 32,774,660 cache-misses # 28.599 % of all cache refs 114,602,476 cache-references 0.654290201 seconds time elapsed 0.452424000 seconds user 0.200187000 seconds sys

perf stat

ClickHouse Hash Table performs 3.8 times less cache misses.

Benchmarking tips

There are a lot of additional things that you can tune to reduce perf variations. Example:

1. Bind program to specific CPUs.

2. Use tmpfs.

Flame Graph

Can be build for CPU, Memory.

Flame Graph

Commands: git clone cd FlameGraph perf record -F 99 -a -g or perf record -F 99 -a -g -p process_pid perf script | ./ > out.perf-folded ./ out.perf-folded > perf.svg

Flame Graph

By default perf uses frame-pointer stack unwinding, so to see all traces your program must be compiled with -fno-omit-frame-pointer.

Flame Graph

Example of broken Flame Graph:

Flame Graph

Use DWARF stack unwinding:

perf record -F 99 -a -g -p 32238 -g --call-graph=dwarf

Flame Graph


I use clickhouse-local almost every day:

1. Preprocess data for benchmarks.

2. Analyze data for benchmarks.

3. Analyze benchmark results.

4. Analyze output of different tools.

Analyze output of different tools

Amount of non vectorized loops in ClickHouse AggregateFunctions, after compile with -Rpass=loop-vectorize, -Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize and -Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize.

SELECT count() FROM (SELECT splitByChar(' ', line)[1] AS file_with_line FROM file("out.txt", LineAsString) WHERE line LIKE '%loop not vectorized%' AND line LIKE '%ClickHouseClang/src/AggregateFunctions/%' GROUP BY file_with_line ); ┌─count()─┐ │ 403 │ └─────────┘


High CPU usage issue

High CPU usage issue

Background pool produce a lot of calls to wait with timeout for Poco::NotificationQueue.

Such calls are also visible on flame graphs and for some benchmarks can take 15-20% of CPU time.

High CPU usage issue

This timeout was added long time ago to avoid rare deadlock with Poco::NotificationQueue.

Solution was to replace Poco::NotificationQueue to conditional variable and queue.

High CPU usage issue

Standard containers

INSERT INTO FUNCTION file('test_file_{_partition_id}', 'TSV', 'partition_id UInt64, value1 UInt64, value2 UInt64, value3 UInt64, value4 UInt64, value5 UInt64') PARTITION BY partition_id SELECT number % 5 AS partition_id, number, number, number, number, number FROM numbers(100000000);

Standard containers

Split chunk into multiple chunks.

void PartitionedSink::consume(Chunk chunk) { ... std::unordered_map<String, size_t> partition_id_to_chunk_index; IColumn::Selector chunk_row_index_to_partition_index; for (size_t row = 0; row < chunk.getNumRows(); ++row) { auto value = column->getDataAt(row); auto [it, inserted] = partition_id_to_chunk_index.emplace(value, partition_id_to_chunk_index.size()); chunk_row_index_to_partition_index.push_back(it->second); } ... }

Standard containers

Use HashMapWithSavedHash<StringRef, size_t> instead of std::unordered_map<String, size_t>.

Store hash table and arena as class member, to reuse them between consume calls.

Standard containers

void PartitionedSink::consume(Chunk chunk) { ... size_t chunk_rows = chunk.getNumRows(); chunk_row_index_to_partition_index.resize(chunk_rows); partition_id_to_chunk_index.clear(); for (size_t row = 0; row < chunk_rows; ++row) { auto partition_key = partition_by_result_column->getDataAt(row); auto [it, inserted] = partition_id_to_chunk_index.insert( makePairNoInit(partition_key, partition_id_to_chunk_index.size())); if (inserted) it->value.first = copyStringInArena(partition_keys_arena, partition_key); chunk_row_index_to_partition_index[row] = it->getMapped(); } ... }

Standard containers

INSERT INTO FUNCTION file('test_file_{_partition_id}', 'TSV', 'partition_id UInt64, value1 UInt64, value2 UInt64, value3 UInt64, value4 UInt64, value5 UInt64') PARTITION BY partition_id SELECT number % 5 AS partition_id, number, number, number, number, number FROM numbers(100000000);

Was: 9.714 sec (10.36 million rows/s., 82.90 MB/s.)

Now: 2.868 sec (35.10 million rows/s., 280.76 MB/s.)

Avoid virtual function calls

Assume that we have interface that provide some generic methods for working with object. For example in ClickHouse there is IColumn interface that provide a lot of methods for working with columns (filter, getPermutation, compareAt).

Sometimes we need to write complex logic that is implemented on top of such interface.

The problem is that if this logic will be implemented in terms of small virtual methods like compareAt there will be a lot of virtual function calls.

Avoid virtual function calls

In most of the cases we use CRTP (The Curiously Reccuring Template Pattern).

Also we can use just standalone template function.

Aggregate function CRTP

class IAggregateFunction { ... virtual ~IAggregateFunction() = default; virtual void add( AggregateDataPtr place, const IColumn ** columns, size_t row_num, Arena * arena) const = 0; virtual void addBatch( size_t row_begin, size_t row_end, AggregateDataPtr * places, size_t place_offset, const IColumn ** columns, Arena * arena, ssize_t if_argument_pos = -1) const = 0; ... }

Aggregate function CRTP

template <typename Derived> class IAggregateFunctionHelper : public IAggregateFunction { void addBatch(size_t row_begin, size_t row_end, AggregateDataPtr * places, size_t place_offset, const IColumn ** columns, Arena * arena, ssize_t if_argument_pos = -1) const override { if (if_argument_pos >= 0) { auto * column = columns[if_argument_pos]; const auto & flags = assert_cast<const ColumnUInt8 &>(*column).getData(); for (size_t i = row_begin; i < row_end; ++i) { if (flags[i] && places[i]) static_cast<const Derived *>(this)->add(places[i] + place_offset, columns, i, arena); } } { for (size_t i = row_begin; i < row_end; ++i) if (places[i]) static_cast<const Derived *>(this)->add(places[i] + place_offset, columns, i, arena); } } }

Aggregate function CRTP

template <typename T, typename Derived> class IAggregateFunctionDataHelper : public IAggregateFunctionHelper<Derived> { ... } class AggregateFunctionCount final : public IAggregateFunctionDataHelper<AggregateFunctionCountData, AggregateFunctionCount> { void add(AggregateDataPtr __restrict place, const IColumn **, size_t, Arena *) const override { ++data(place).count; } }

IColumn virtual function calls

class IColumn { ... virtual int compareAt(size_t n, size_t m, const IColumn & rhs, int nan_direction_hint) const = 0; virtual void compareColumn(const IColumn & rhs, size_t rhs_row_num, PaddedPODArray<UInt64> * row_indexes, PaddedPODArray<Int8> & compare_results, int direction, int nan_direction_hint) const = 0; ... }

IColumn virtual function calls

class IColumn { ... protected: template <typename Derived, bool reversed, bool use_indexes> void compareImpl(const Derived & rhs, size_t rhs_row_num, PaddedPODArray<UInt64> * row_indexes, PaddedPODArray<Int8> & compare_results, int nan_direction_hint) const; template <typename Derived> void doCompareColumn(const Derived & rhs, size_t rhs_row_num, PaddedPODArray<UInt64> * row_indexes, PaddedPODArray<Int8> & compare_results, int direction, int nan_direction_hint) const; ... }

IColumn virtual function calls

template <is_decimal T> void ColumnDecimal<T>::compareColumn(const IColumn & rhs, size_t rhs_row_num, PaddedPODArray<UInt64> * row_indexes, PaddedPODArray<Int8> & compare_results, int direction, int nan_direction_hint) const { return this->template doCompareColumn<ColumnDecimal<T>>( static_cast<const Self &>(rhs), rhs_row_num, row_indexes, compare_results, direction, nan_direction_hint); }

IColumn virtual function calls

Compile time dispatch:

template <typename Derived> void IColumn::doCompareColumn(const Derived & rhs, size_t rhs_row_num, PaddedPODArray<UInt64> * row_indexes, PaddedPODArray<Int8> & compare_results, int direction, int nan_direction_hint) const { if (direction < 0) { if (row_indexes) compareImpl<Derived, true, true>(rhs, rhs_row_num, row_indexes, compare_results, nan_direction_hint); else compareImpl<Derived, true, false>(rhs, rhs_row_num, row_indexes, compare_results, nan_direction_hint); } else { if (row_indexes) compareImpl<Derived, false, true>(rhs, rhs_row_num, row_indexes, compare_results, nan_direction_hint); else compareImpl<Derived, false, false>(rhs, rhs_row_num, row_indexes, compare_results, nan_direction_hint); } }

IColumn virtual function calls

template <typename Derived, bool reversed, bool use_indexes> void IColumn::compareImpl(const Derived & rhs, size_t rhs_row_num, PaddedPODArray<UInt64> * row_indexes [[maybe_unused]], PaddedPODArray<Int8> & compare_results, int nan_direction_hint) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_indexes; ++i) { UInt64 row = i; if constexpr (use_indexes) row = indexes[i]; int res = compareAt(row, rhs_row_num, rhs, nan_direction_hint); assert(res == 1 || res == -1 || res == 0); compare_results[row] = static_cast<Int8<(res); if constexpr (reversed) compare_results[row] = -compare_results[row]; if constexpr (use_indexes) { if (compare_results[row] == 0) { *next_index = row; ++next_index; } } } }

IColumn virtual function calls

template <typename Derived, bool reversed, bool use_indexes> void IColumn::compareImpl(const Derived & rhs, size_t rhs_row_num, PaddedPODArray<UInt64> * row_indexes [[maybe_unused]], PaddedPODArray<Int8> & compare_results, int nan_direction_hint) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_indexes; ++i) { UInt64 row = i; if constexpr (use_indexes) row = indexes[i]; int res = static_cast<const Derived *>(this)->compareAt(row, rhs_row_num, rhs, nan_direction_hint); assert(res == 1 || res == -1 || res == 0); compare_results[row] = static_cast<Int8<(res); if constexpr (reversed) compare_results[row] = -compare_results[row]; if constexpr (use_indexes) { if (compare_results[row] == 0) { *next_index = row; ++next_index; } } } }

IColumn virtual function calls

Result performance improvements:



How Sorting in ClickHouse works. Let first take a look at pipeline:

EXPLAIN PIPELINE SELECT WatchID FROM hits_100m_single ORDER BY WatchID, CounterID; ┌─explain──────────────────────────────────┐ │ (Expression) │ │ ExpressionTransform │ │ (Sorting) │ │ MergingSortedTransform 16 → 1 │ │ MergeSortingTransform × 16 │ │ LimitsCheckingTransform × 16 │ │ PartialSortingTransform × 16 │ │ (Expression) │ │ ExpressionTransform × 16 │ │ (SettingQuotaAndLimits) │ │ (ReadFromMergeTree) │ │ MergeTreeThread × 16 0 → 1 │ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘


In physical query plan we have multiple transform that work together to perform sorting:

PartialSortingTransform — sort single block, apply special optimization if LIMIT is specified.

MergeSortingTransform — sort multiple blocks using k-way-merge algorithm, output of this transform is a stream of sorted blocks.

MergingSortedTransform — sort multiple streams of sorted blocks using k-way-merge algorithm.

K-way merge algorithm


Sort of single block in PartialSortingTransform, can be performed in batch, without indirections. There is getPermutation, updatePermutaion methods in IColumn that returns or update permutation.

This permutation can later be applied efficiently to any column using permute method.


The problem is with MergeSortingTransform and MergingSortedTransform. They must perform k-way-merge algorithm, and this algorithm operates on single rows instead of columns.

In the worst case, we will apply ORDER BY WatchID, CounterID comparator to each row N * log(N) * 2 times during our MergeSortingTransform, MergingSortedTransform.


SELECT WatchID FROM hits_100m_obfuscated ORDER BY WatchID FORMAT Null;


struct SortCursor : SortCursorHelper<SortCursor> { using SortCursorHelper<SortCursor>::SortCursorHelper; /// The specified row of this cursor is greater than the specified /// row of another cursor. bool greaterAt(const SortCursor & rhs, size_t lhs_pos, size_t rhs_pos) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < impl->sort_columns_size; ++i) { const auto & sort_description = impl->desc[i]; int direction = sort_description.direction; int nulls_direction = sort_description.nulls_direction; int res = direction * impl->sort_columns[i]->compareAt(lhs_pos, rhs_pos, *(rhs.impl->sort_columns[i]), nulls_direction); if (res > 0) return true; if (res < 0) return false; } return impl->order > rhs.impl->order; } };


Worst thing for column DBMS is to process elements in rows.

The biggest problem here is that for each column specified in the ORDER BY comparator, we call compareAt method N * log(N) * 2 times.

Sorting Single Column Specialization

The most common case of sorting in databases is sorting by single column.

SELECT WatchID FROM hits_100m_obfuscated ORDER BY WatchID FORMAT Null;

Lets write specialization.

Sorting Single Column Specialization

template <typename ColumnType> struct SpecializedSingleColumnSortCursor : SortCursorHelper< SpecializedSingleColumnSortCursor<ColumnType>> { bool ALWAYS_INLINE greaterAt( const SortCursorHelper<SpecializedSingleColumnSortCursor> & rhs, size_t lhs_pos, size_t rhs_pos) const { auto & lhs_columns = this->impl->sort_columns; auto & rhs_columns = rhs.impl->sort_columns; const auto & lhs_column = assert_cast<const ColumnType &>(*lhs_columns[0]); const auto & rhs_column = assert_cast<const ColumnType &>(*rhs_columns[0]); const auto & desc = this->impl->desc[0]; int res = desc.direction * lhs_column.compareAt(lhs_pos, rhs_pos, rhs_column, desc.nulls_direction); if (res > 0) return true; if (res < 0) return false; return this->impl->order > rhs.impl->order; } };

Sorting Single Column Specialization

SELECT WatchID FROM hits_100m_obfuscated ORDER BY WatchID FORMAT Null;

Was: 5.401 sec (18.51 million rows/s., 148.11 MB/s)

Now: 4.363 sec (22.92 million rows/s., 183.35 MB/s.)

Sorting Multiple Columns JIT

For multiple columns in comparator we applied JIT compilation.

We fused multiple compareAt methods in a single function to avoid unnecessary indirections and decrease the number of virtual function calls if multiple columns are specified in the comparator.

Sorting Multiple Columns JIT

SELECT WatchID FROM hits_100m_single ORDER BY WatchID, CounterID SETTINGS compile_sort_description=0;

— 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 6.408 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 1.20 GB (15.60 million rows/s., 187.26 MB/s.)

SELECT WatchID FROM hits_100m_single ORDER BY WatchID, CounterID SETTINGS compile_sort_description=1;

— 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 5.300 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 1.20 GB (18.87 million rows/s., 226.40 MB/s.)
+20% performance improvement!

Sorting K-Way Merge

Another problem with MergeSortingTransform and MergingSortedTransform and k-way-merge algorithm, is that during merge we insert only single row into our result.

During row insertion we need to perform number_of_columns virtual calls.

Maybe we can choose data structure that performs minimum amount of comparisons and can help to minimize amount of virtual calls during row insertion ?

Sorting K-Way Merge Heap

Sorting K-Way Merge Winner Tree

Sorting K-Way Merge

K - number of cursors that we want to merge.

N - total number of elements that are in all cursors.

There are 3 data structures that can be used:

1. Heap. Performs around N * log(K) * 1.5 comparisons in worst case.

2. Self balansing BST (AVL, Red-Black). Performs around N * log(K) * constant_factor comparisons.

3. Tournament Tree. Performs N * log(K) comparisons in worst case.

Sorting Batch Heap

The biggest issue with tournament tree is that this data structure always performs N * log(N) comparisons, even for low cardinality data, because all tournament must be replayed.

Theoretically tournament tree should make less comparisons for data with high cardinality. But on real data heap can avoid a lot of comparisons because next minimum cursor is still greater than current minimum cursor.

Sorting Batch Heap

We can choose between heap and tournament tree in runtime using for example bandits approach similar to lz4 optimization, or using statistics to understand if column has high cardinality or low cardinality.

Also there are tournament tree modifications that can allow to store minimum cursor and next minimum cursor.

But for now we decided to use heap property, but improve it with batch interface.

Sorting Batch Heap

The idea is simple, if current minimum cursor in heap is less than next minimum cursor, we compare them, until next mininum cursor is greater, each time we increase batch size.

That way we can insert multiple rows into result, if we sort data that does not have high cardinality (contains duplicates).

Sorting Batch Heap

On real data we can see 2x-10x performance improvement, after replacing heap with batch heap.

SELECT DISTINCT Age FROM hits_100m_obfuscated; ┌─Age─┐ │ 0 │ │ 50 │ │ 31 │ │ 55 │ │ 22 │ │ 28 │ └───── SELECT WatchID FROM hits_100m_obfuscated ORDER BY Age FORMAT Null;

Was: 4.154 sec (24.07 million rows/s., 216.64 MB/s.)

Now: 0.482 sec (207.47 million rows/s., 1.87 GB/s.)


1. CI/CD infrastructure, especially performance tests, must be the core component of a high performance system.

2. Without deep introspection it is hard to investigate issues with performance.

3. For high performance systems interfaces must be determined by algorithms and data structures.

4. Use tools to profile, benchmark and check how your program works under load.

5. Avoid virtual function calls.

6. Always evaluate algorithms and data structures on real data.
